Our company seeks to provide products, programs, services and events that make a difference in the lives of people in urban settings.
World of Soul® was established in the city of Chicago, Illinois.
In pursuit of our purpose, we are reminded that we are only Flesh and Bones driven by a spirit. Some spirits are good, some are bad and some are indifferent.
Children need opportunities that showcase their full potential. Teens and adults need positive peer pressure over negative pressures to do the wrong things.
If in fact, we are made in God's image - everything that we need is already in us. We just have to find ways to bring it out. Education is already in us. We just have to find ways to bring it out. Good Health & Prosperity is already in us. We just have to find ways to bring it out.
If there's anything that we want our products to do - it is to exemplify the true spirit of the community.
Let the spirit move you to improve you.
That's a World of Soul®.