There is a significant lack of black personal injury lawyers. The absence of such representation has left many riders without the proper advocacy they deserve.
Personal injury cases are often settled out of court and national law firms that market to motorcyclists do so with a network of attorneys advertising under one brand by agreement.
Several experiences with existing law firms emphasizes the need for a dedicated black law firm to emerge.
In addition, black motorcycle organizations are not getting equal access to opportunities as outlined by law, leaving them with the challenge of overcoming institutional obstacles to government funding.
These experiences underscore the urgent need for a law firm that not only understands the legal intricacies of motorcycle-related cases but also prioritizes the black community and their causes.
World of Soul® Motorcycle Community is a network of 9,600 motorcyclists and clubs. Our aim is to encourage the motorcycle community to surface on issues relative to keeping our narrative alive, supporting youth with their pursuit of a post-secondary education in association with Historically Black Colleges and Universities and motorcycle safety, awareness and training.
We need a legal partner who will actively advocate for us, ensuring that our narratives are heard, and our rights protected.
We are reaching out to black law firms with the hope that they will consider taking up this crucial role. By doing so, they will not only fill a significant gap in the market but also contribute to the empowerment and representation of the black motorcycle community on a national level and provide support for young people in the communities we live and serve in.
We would be more than happy to discuss this matter further and provide any additional information you may require.