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World of Soul Motorcycle Community Encourage Voter Participation

With the upcoming presidential election fast approaching World of Soul Motorcycle Community suggests strategy to engage its subculture to surface on the issue of voter apathy. World of Soul Motorcycle Community’s proposal suggests the following steps;

1. Become a voter registrar. Contact your local county, city or state board of elections for details on how to become a voter registrar.

2. Every club and/or association can appoint someone to be the club's voter registration agent.

3. Register voters - Looking for an idea to coincide with your next club event? Consider hosting a non-partisan voter registration drive.

4. Every person, club or association engaged in voter registration can report their total number of voters registered to World of Soul Motorcycle Community to measure the impact being made across the nation.

5. Encourage online voter registration from your website,

social networks or email database. Link to:

6. Promote early voting with planned motorcycle rides to poll locations.

7. Take photographs of motorcycling group going to and from polls to vote. Write about the experience and share content on your website, social networks and email contacts.

About World of Soul Motorcycle Community

World of Soul Motorcycle Community, Inc. is a national membership-based association of motorcyclist whose mission is to examine and promote the recreation of motorcycling; the environment and spirit of the motorcycle community. To add redeemable value to the bikers' experience by addressing issues significant to the community while uniting bikers with community organizations and commercial industries.


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